Monday, September 7, 2009


If we are going to flashback the history, we ca notice that before Tagalog was known as National Language in the Pearl Of The Orient Seas, it has surpassed several processes.
Filipino language, fom Baler to the entire Philippines, yes that's right! The existence of our National Language was because of our former President Manuel Quezon further known as the "Ama ng Wikang Pambansa". He was a native of Baler,Quezon I guess. And he was the one who suggested to make that language as national Language. Tagalog is predominantly spoken in the Phillipines as a part of our culture and for that language signifies us being Filipinos! It leads us to a better understanding of the things around us and that language can understand much what is inside us.
If we can't die for our own country as a sign of our Nationalism, atleat we can speak it fullheartedly through it, we canb say that we love our country, the Philippines!...

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